Before you give, here are a few tips for making sure you make the most of your donation. "Making the most of holiday charitable giving"
Even if you are tapped out financially this time of year, there are many items you can donate this holiday season to spread joy to those who are less fortunate or struggling to make ends meet.
- Donate canned and boxed goods to local food-banks
Click Here for a list from HACAP Food Reservoir of the most needed items for many local food banks.
-Household items
Here are nine basic survival and household items frequently requested by charity programs. "Things that could change a family's life"
During the holidays, there are a variety of programs for helping kids have a festive holiday season, like the Salvation Army’s Toys for Tots.
- Food, toys, and bedding for local animal shelters
-Items you no longer use
You don’t have to spend money to be charitable, and items you no longer use lying around your home can have more impact than you realize. Here is a list of the top 10 things to donate to Goodwill before the end of the year. "Top 10 things to donate before the end of the year"
Instead of purchasing items to donate this time of year, consider donating your time. Here are just a few service opportunities in the community that you and your family can get involved in.
-Drive the elderly
-Deliver Meals on Wheels
-Salvation Army Bell Ringing
-10 way to give back as a family
Spread the holiday cheer by doing something nice and unexpected for someone else
For more holiday giving ideas, visit the ImOn Holiday Survival Guide