ImOn Insider

Back-to-School Safety Tips From ImOn HomeSecure™

Written by imoncommunications | Aug 10, 2016 7:30:43 PM

It’s that time of year, again – stores are taking away their pool noodles and replacing them with backpacks and notebooks. The picnics and late summer nights are being replaced with sack lunches and homework filled evenings. The kids are going back to school, sports teams are starting practice for the big season, and the marching band is gearing up for the year!

With all of the excitement of the new school year, we know that there are various safety concerns, like walking to the bus stop or school and leaving your kids home alone before or after school. ImOn wants to relieve some of your stress with these back to school tips from The National Safety Council:

  1. If you are letting your kids walk to school, make sure to sit down with your kids and map out the best route to and from school!
  2. Find a walking buddy for your child, so they don’t have to walk alone.
  3. Make sure your child knows where there are safe places to go in the event of an emergency.
  4. Cross the street at crosswalks and designated school crossing zones when possible.
  5. Never cross the street between parked cars.
  6. When no sidewalk is present, walk on the far left side of the street, facing traffic.
  7. If your kids ride bikes to school, make sure your kids know to ride single file, on the right-hand side of the road and always come to a full stop before crossing the street.
  8. Don’t forget your helmet when riding a bike.
  9. Remind your walkers that if they ever suspect they’re being followed, or if a stranger ever approaches them on the street, that they should state aloud, “You’re not my mom/dad!” and immediately seek out a trusted adult or neighbor, or even a nearby business, library, police station or other public safety zone.*

For more back to school safety ideas visit The National Safety Council website! Keeping all of these tips in mind, you may consider utilizing ImOn HomeSecure™, your home security and automation solution. With HomeSecure™ you are always connected! Your system can be set to send you text and email alerts the minute your kids get home, or your cameras can send you a video of activity in and around your house. Eliminate the worry of your kids getting locked out with automatic deadbolt locks. ImOn Communications is your local partner and neighbor keeping a constant eye on your home and everything 
                                                                      you love inside it.

There is a HomeSecure™ solution for every home. Visit to learn more about securing your home today!

*Information in this blog was found on The National Safety Council website.